AKTUELT / Pressemeldinger

Denne side publisert
2. mars 2009

Om Teaternett
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Uredigert pressemelding
Fra Finnish Theatre Information Center

News from the Finnish Theatre Information Centre

This is a bulletin informing you about theatre events, new drama and international projects in Finland, sent to you by the Finnish Theatre Information Centre (TINFO). You can find the bulletin No. 1/2009  on:

In this issue:

The Seeds of Imanigation will build bridges between Russian and Finnish theatre professionals and institutes

PRACTICS  - See Mobile See Practical

Volkstheater Rostock celebrates Finnish season EinNorden with a theatre week “Terve!” in April 2009

Kristian Smeds´ Mental Finland in Brussels

Finnish drama and opera abroad

Awards and nominations

Anthologies of Finnish plays in Spanish and Russian

Finnish theatre, opera and circus festivals 2009

Some basic information of Finnish theatre life, and links to theatres, theatre organisations and festivals you can find from our website http://www.teatteri.org/english/index.html

Finnish Theatre Information Centre
Meritullinkatu 33
00170 Helsinki
tel. +358-9-2511 2120, fax +358-9-2511 2125

Director: Riitta Seppälä, Information Officer: Anneli Kurki, Information Secretary: Nina Jääskeläinen

Teaternett formidler uredigerte pressemeldinger fra norsk og internasjonalt teater. Teaternett mottar ingen betaling eller andre former for motytelser for denne tjenesten. Vi forbeholder oss retten til uten forklaring å publisere, eller la være å publisere innkomne meldinger. Hjelp oss å være oppdatert! Ønsker ditt teater å formidle noe - send oss en pressemelding!
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